For The GCS Class of 2023, And Beyond!

Our Panther Paws of Hope initiative is proud to support graduating GCS students through 3 unique senior awards!

Dozens of graduating seniors have their hard work recognized by awards, scholarships, & grants each year. However, much of that recognition goes toward students seeking a college education. We identified this early on and sought to open awards for students pursuing different careers. 

Our awards vary in that regard to focus on student pursuit in military service and non-college futures. Two awards tailored to these fields will be offered to this year’s graduating class and the many to follow. Award recipients, 1 for each, will receive $250 to help propel them on the paths that many don’t take. 

Although, we also wanted to cover the expense for students to obtain their transcript from Jamestown Community College regardless of which path they’re taking. We value the challenge students face in passing college-level courses while still in high school. Seeing them having to pay out of pocket to show their hard work is certainly less than ideal and may stress struggling families as well. Every student who has earned college credit during their junior/senior year will now receive $8.50, the price of 1 JCC transcript, under our third & final award ahead of the Class of 2023’s graduation. 

Award Breakdown: 

The Lawrence M. Ogle Award – Focused on Student Military Service

The Road Less Traveled Award – Focused on Student Pursuit of Non-College Futures

Transcript for Success Award – Focused on Student Achievement of JCC College Credits


Whether it be students in work boots, a service uniform, or a future tassel, we are proud to support GCS seniors in achieving their dreams. Thank you kindly for your time, and we hope you have a great rest of your day!

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